from all users, a total of visited times would be 2959!
as you already know recently a month ago that we are aming to develop audiogames in the future, well here it is. we are preparing to develop a game bace on the players provided suggestions. therefore, we are launching a form that collects your suggestion and think about a few questions. this will help us to decide what type of the game we shall develop. we recommend that you go up and answer a few questions as If you are the gamer and you would like to make us a game.
today is june 8 2023, and we'll be collecting forms until the next month (july 8 2023) which you can know how many of date left below.
so, please go and hurry up answering a few questions!
last updated: 1 year, 9 months, 24 days, 11 hours and 25 minutes ago