endless battle finally updated for march 2023

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2 years ago



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March 9, 2023, 3:28 PM


Reading time:2 mins read

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The Endless Battle game has been updated to version 2023.03.09. This update was quickly released due to an unexpected error where the game archive was corrupted. You can always download the game from the game page.

New Changes in Version 2023.03.09

  • Fixed some bugs
  • Added new sounds
  • The item pickup sounds and loop sounds are now depending on which item
  • Enemies now have item spawn. When an enemy is dead, one or more items will be spawned in which the coordinates the enemy died. This includes, but is not limited to, glass bottles, mines, and kyats.
  • Added blood sound when you hit an enemy, or an enemy hits you
  • The jumping is 30 milliseconds faster now!
  • You can no longer press escape to exit the game, you can however press shift enter on 0, 0. Note that the shift enter key is not work when in automatic mode, there’s a command that you can order through o key (check out in manual, can you?). There’s also a sound that will play when you leave the game.
  • The page up and page down keys to walk have been removed
  • The updater.bat file has been removed! It will only process in the game. However, when you finish downloading update, the bat file will be created in the directory, and runs that file. After completion, the file will be deleted.
  • You can now set random spots of spawn times for enemies! Just use this template: first,second for example: 5,10 will choose randomly from 5 to 10 seconds.

Thank you for playing the game and reporting errors. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the previous version’s unexpected error. We hope you enjoy the new updates!

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Yzmk

    Thanks for the update

    1. harry

      no problem :), and thanks for playing too!

  2. harlar


    1. harry


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