fixing virus of the nvda dll in endless battle

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2 years ago



submited by:

March 10, 2023, 12:53 AM


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recently, we posted about this to our telegram channel whether we should remove nvda dll because defender asumes as the virus. however, we asume most of people clicked on thumbs down, which means they don’t want to remove.

If you’re using the NVDA screen reader, you may have encountered an issue where your Windows Defender flags the NVDA_Client_32.dll file as a virus. This false positive can be frustrating and may cause some users to consider removing the DLL. However, removing the DLL can affect the functionality of the NVDA screen reader. In this blog post, we are reaching out to our community to ask for your help in fixing this issue.

We need your help! If you have a fix for the NVDA_Client_32.dll issue caused by Windows Defender flagging it as a virus, or you know how should fix it, please leave a comment below. We welcome any comments or suggestions on how to fix this issue. If you have a fixed version of the NVDA_Client_32.dll file, please share the link with us so that others can download it too.

Thank you for your help in resolving this issue and for your support of the NVDA screen reader dll file for the game. We look forward to hearing from you!

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