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welcome to endless battle, a 2d offline shooter game!

game introduction.

endless battle a 2d offline game where the goal is to survive in the game not to be killed and fight with animals around your area. this game will give you a little experience in fighting or shooting.
this game is developed by harry production.
you are on a map which hundred of x grid, and enemy will spawn around you every a few seconds. you have the guns in your inventory. to use the weapon and to use a health pack. keys will be provided in section 2 but now is for introduction, and you fight with soldiers. you will hear an ambience bird sounds in your map. you move with your arrow keys and fire the gun in a facing matching where your enemy is located. left, or right.


requirements and recommendations

menus, what are they?

a menu is simply thing that you should familiar with. a menu can contain items, and other informations. as you can navigate through menu items with the up and down arrow keys, you can also navigate them with the left and right arrows. depending on what menu is selected, the menu will update the items containing in a menu.

If the menu is sidescrolling, you can navigate its menu with the left and right arrow keys. otherwise, the up and down arrow keys are use to navigate its menu.

you can press escape to exit the menu wherever possible. however, most of the menus had allowed to escape the menu with the escape key. but, some menus might not allow it, you can make it sure by trying to press its key. some menus in this game are main menu, settings menu, store menu etc.

you can also use the home and end key to quickly navigate to the first item and the last item of the menu. use the home key to navigate to the first item, and the end key to navigate to the last item.

depending on what menu is selected, its menu music might be changed. though every menus do not provide to play musics, however most of these had provided it. like main menu, settings menu etc.

you can press enter to return the value of the result of the item you were focused before it is pressed.

lets play game!

to play the game, select eb.exe and press enter. in a moment the game will start and you will be at the main menu, while playing the game logo. to skip them all, press the enter key on your keyboard. another thing is that, If you have enabled the ask to subscribe option in the settings menu, a dialog will appear in some times that asking you to subscribe. in this case, the game will continue loading, when you answer to either the yes or no button. to answer the question it is an easy to do. first though, you must have a clear picture that what type of the answer you want to submit, then the answer must ready to be submitted. first, choose your answer to the either yes, or not, with your arrow keys. do note: you can use alt+y or y for yes, alt+n or n for no for a faster completes. If you choose an answer with the arrow keys, press enter or the spacebar to be submitted. If, however, you press the corresponding key, it isn't necessary to press them again.

in the main menu, use your up and down arrow keys to navigate, then press enter to activate one.


auto mode:

this mode is as you know, auto mode. means that, If you turned it on, it'll be shot automatically and reloads it If your weapon has 0 loaded and If you'll have enough ammo to have them reload. also it will be changed to the random weapon after its a few seconds, not actual seconds to tell it how many because in this auto mode we don't want actual things and it should be automatic. as well of, If your health is lower, and If you have enough health pack, it drinks automatically until your health is higher.

the coordinates

in this game, the coordinates are important to know so you can play very easily.
the coordinate has usually 2 basic grids: x, and y axis.
the x axis is usually left and right movement, where your left and right arrows are control for this axis. this axis can be moved with your left and right arrow keys, usually the left is to the left and the right arrow is to the right. for example, the x axis is a minimum being 0 and a maximum being 100 or something like that. this means If your x axis coordinate was reached to the left(to the minimum value), the movement keys will not work to move again. as the right movement example, you cannot move to the right If reaches 100(to the maximum value).

the y axis is usually above and below movement. when you pressed the up arrow key this axis is controled by this action. this happens when you're jumping etc, or falling from above to below.

question dialogs/menus

the question dialog(tqd), or the question menu(tqm) allows you to answer a question in a yes and a no button. in tqm which stands for the question menu, the buttons are changeable. in this section I will tell you about the 2 different things for tqd and tqm. so, look ahead!
the first is that tqd(the question dialog). the question dialog is very simple, it is a dialog with a yes and a no button. this dialog is visible to the computer screen, so that those are not visually impaired and totally blind can see the question with a yes and a no button. the program will be paused until you click on either the yes or the no button. the program resumes If you clicked on either the yes or the no. you can click either using up and down arrows, tab and shift tab, or pressing alt+y or y and pressing alt+n or n for no.
the second thing is that tqm(the question menu). the question menu is quite simple, but it is not visible to the computer screen, so that only the visually impaired especially who is using a screen reader can perform the task. or, If you aren't a visually impaired or a totally blind, you can press home key for yes, and end key for no. but remember, at least for default, those buttons can be changed to whatever the developer wants. however, no one can access to change buttons accept the developers of the program.


logs are usually the important things to be kept. for example once you've picked up an item, usually you've used a speed drink or a health drink, the log can keep them.
although it can save your important speaks to the logs, only last 100 logs can be kept. this prevents the runtime errors from being occurred.
to navigate through logs by once, press the home key to go to the previous log, and end key to go to the next log.
If you want to jump overall, use shift+home to go to the first log and shift+end to go to the last log.
whenever you navigate to the log, a beep sound will be plaied. whenever the log ends, another different beep will be plaied and spoken the last log of which direction you are navigating to.


the items are a bunch of items that can be used on a sertain conditions.
some of items are described below

name: description: can_use:
health_drink this drink helps you to increase your health If yours is lower. this can be used If your health is lower than the maximum health, and when you are participating yourself.
speed_drink this drink helps you to increase your walking by 50 percent. this can only be used If the walking is being slow. when the drink is activated, you cannot use it until the drink expires. they will only be used when you are participating yourself, as telling to control the computer itself already can be drinked when the time is right.
coin this is the currency. it allows you to buy various things at the store. this can only be used at the store
minea mine explodes when someone steppeds on it. everything will be damaged when it explodes in range of 5 tiles.this can be used on anywhere and anytime. however, you cannot use it If you are standing on the x coordinate less than 2, and greater than the maximum coordinate -2.

commands and order

commands and order is a feature that allows you to order certain commands. however, all of your orders might not work, so If you think that an order should be added, please contact us as soon as possible.
to order a command, press o, during the game. after a while, it will show you an input box, type your order and press enter. the available commands will be listed below. If you see a / character, it means you can use another. for example, store/shop. it means, you can use store, or shops.

leavgthis command only works for automatic mode, that allows you to leave the game, no madder where you are
take me to/takemeto/take-me-to:< store/shops >this command allows you to open the store, in which you can buy sertain items.takemeto:store
changeweapon:weapon_name=optional(true/false)this command allows you to change your currently drawn to another one, even If you aren't in human mode. the first is the command name, and then seperate with a colon. then, for the second value, put the weapon name that you would like to change to. for the last value, you can set it or not, as your wish, it means it is an optional value. If you would like to change that value also, seperate with = and type the value(true or false). this last value specifys true or false, whether or not the drawn weapon should be spoken. the default value for this is false. note: to change the weapon, you must be given the right name that weapon exists. otherwise, fail!changeweapon:ak48
set:parameternamethis command is a powerful order that allows you to set various things in the game. the parameter names and their values will be provided in the list below. with this, you can set spawntime etc without having to exit the game and go into the settings menu, with just one order!
the list of parameters:
  • spawntime=value sets the spawn time of the enemies. value is the value for it
example for this is very hard to show, however I will show some of them are
sets spawn time to 5 seconds: set:spawntime=5


this feature is very different with other features. this allows you to customize buttons and texts yourself with some fillings and formatting. the customization icon can be found in the main menu, or you can open it while playing the game with order, menuopen:customization.
a list of fillings


I like the following for their contribution, suggestion for the game:
harry: the main programmer.
min zaw: suggested various features since its version 0.10.0.


we hope you enjoy the game, and don't forget to send your any suggestions If you have it.

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have fun playing!


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last updated: 1 year, 9 months, 24 days, 15 hours and 7 minutes ago